
What Websites Are Your Employees Visiting? You Could Be Facing Big Data Risks

March 7, 2018
Be honest, have you ever indulged in adult content in the office? No? Well look around you, because recent statistics prove that at least two in five workplaces are witnessing their employees doing exactly that. Gone are the days when an employee’s occasional procrastination simply amounted to twiddling their thumbs and staring blankly out the […]
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Do Your Staff Actually Do the Work They’re Meant to be Doing?

September 5, 2017
Whilst productivity slows down in the office as the week goes on, time certainly does not. Whilst it may seem innocent to office employees to detour from work-related material daily, this invisible cost has proven to become particularly expensive. New research by has exposed how much time staff really spend procrastinating at their place […]
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