Inspire Passion Through Leadership

Monte Williams knows his purpose in life is to add value to the lives of others. His mission in life is to inspire passion through the leadership of self and others. To that end, he is the CEO and Founder of ALEU | The Leadership…

How to Reach Your Full Potential

Because he has received guidance in his leadership development from many coaches and mentors over the years, I am passionate about “paying it forward” as a coach to others. “As a youth, I felt a call to build bridges between people…

Systemic Coaching 101

Which one do you prefer? Far or fast? Do you want to look good? Have you noticed certain repeating patterns in your life? These are just a few questions that I will try to address. If you feel good, you look good. Have you…

How To Keep Employees Challenged

The trick for employees is to find the right balance between challenges and skills – and this is hugely important in teams. Are you challenging your teams to stretch themselves or is their work too boring? This becomes part of the process…