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Is it Time to Reset Management?

First, hierarchical bureaucracy is geared for predictability and risk avoidance. With digital ending up blurring industry boundaries unexpectedly, (de)globalisation and other social changes, turbulence becomes the norm. In a turbulent…

How to Make Our Working Life More Eco-Friendly

Since the start of 2020, being able to work from home has led many to forgo their commute, reducing transport emissions. It’s just one of the many benefits that has revealed itself in working from home, and it’s fuelling the question: what…

Maldivian Daze: Exploring Huvafen Fushi

After over a year of no travelling, we were so lucky to be able to escape to the Maldives and Huvafen Fushi for a much-needed adventure, mixed with a little bit of R&R. Read on to find out how our stay at one of the most sought-after…