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Systemic Coaching 101

Which one do you prefer? Far or fast? Do you want to look good? Have you noticed certain repeating patterns in your life? These are just a few questions that I will try to address. If you feel good, you look good. Have you…

Top Tips on Achieving Excellence as a CEO

Executive coaching services delivered by Mr Robinson are conducted through regular one-on-one interactions, driven by data, input and feedback from multiple sources and perspectives, and based on mutual trust, respect and commitment to…

How to Get the Most Out of Coaching

What are your views on the benefits of coaching? Generally, all of us, human beings, have blind spots so collecting 360 feedback or using some assessment instruments helps provide some insights for what can be in service to the person…

How to Avoid Burnout

We speak with David Kegley, the owner and Principal of Coaching & Conflict Transformation, on avoiding burnout and the importance of good health and wellbeing for leaders.