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The CEO’s Caddy

Tell us your story and what brought you to coaching? My professional, and in part personal, story up to five years ago was that “unless I am a CEO of a multimillion or even billion $ company then I, and my career, are not a success”. This…

Inspire Passion Through Leadership

Monte Williams knows his purpose in life is to add value to the lives of others. His mission in life is to inspire passion through the leadership of self and others. To that end, he is the CEO and Founder of ALEU | The Leadership…

Unleash Your Power

Tell us about your books Unleash Your Power and The Intentional Leader and the topics it explores? For years, I travelled the world working with teams, in every industry at every level, which were struggling to overcome…

The 9 Ways of Being in Leadership

Samia has lived in seven different countries on three continents and travelled extensively, having witnessed social and economic disparity and substantial planetary ecosystem changes. It is through this lens of experience that she…