
How Processes Took Me From An 80-Hour To A 14-Hour Workweek

July 27, 2021
Alister Esam, innovator, investor and CEO, explains how he was able to transform both his old company and his life through developing and applying processes. As the ultimate driver of high standards, inevitably you’re drawn into correcting and spotting little things day-to-day. You probably set reminders to check up on the jobs you want to […]
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Disaster Prevention: 5 Tools That Will Pull Any CEO Through

October 24, 2019
In the current climate, the requirements for emergency and crisis management in companies have become more stringent and more urgent.
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Getting Digital Transformation Right First Time, Every Time

March 11, 2019
In the digital world where practices such as Agile and DevOps are increasingly taking centre stage, robust, high quality software testing is integral to success.
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