
Solving Global Problems with Talented People

July 1, 2022
Amy Golding is the CEO of Opus Talent Solutions, which solves global problems with talented people. It works in the future-focused markets of digital, renewable energy and sustainability to try and help companies build their future workforce in sectors that are cripplingly short of people with the right skills – and that our economy and planet desperately need. Opus Talent Solutions works at the most senior level, all the way down to helping people get into these exciting industries with the right training and work experience.
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Can a CEO Truly Be Impartial?

August 28, 2019
One of the biggest pitfalls for senior directors in business is a rock-solid belief in their own impartiality.
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‘Putting a Man on the Moon’: The Biggest Barrier to Business Growth is ‘Lack of Intent’

July 31, 2019
There are a number of challenges to business growth today, in some cases these are linked to issues associated with product or service developments, but probably the biggest barrier of them all is people. People are often their own worst enemy when it comes to unlocking growth potential. Breaking down the barriers that could potentially […]
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Recruiting, Retaining and Cultivating Talent in the Digital Age

May 31, 2019
Given the accelerated pace of technology advancements, it’s impossible to be certain what the business landscape will look like in five years’ time. What is certain is that the technology landscape of tomorrow will be very different than what we are experiencing today. Those who embrace new technologies will reap the benefits and competitive advantages, […]
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Why Human Resource Directors Can and Should Be CEOs

October 5, 2018
In order to reach its full potential, Glenn G Jones, Principal at GGJ Global Consulting and author of ‘Human Resources Changes The World’, highlights that the field of HR must be willing to adopt new practices and mindsets, making HR very much relevant in the boardroom and at higher level management. This is an important […]
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Church International: Leading with Transparency and the People Approach

July 31, 2018
Chriss Andrews is the Founder and Chief Executive of Church International, an IT recruitment and talent management company, and KA2, a technology consultancy firm. Her passions are family, people, business, rugby and the arts. In her interview with CEO Today, Chriss discusses Church’s development under her management, what brings it to the next level of […]
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CEO Today Online and CEO Today magazine are dedicated to providing CEOs and C-level executives with the latest corporate developments, business news and technological innovations.
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