New Year

The New Year’s Resolutions the Chairman of the Board Should be Making for 2023

November 30, 2022
As we move into 2023 one thing we can be confident about is the world remaining a volatile place. It’s the ‘new normal’.
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Key eCommerce Trends for 2019

January 9, 2019
Global ecommerce sales will reach £3.5 trillion by 2021. There’s a lot of money to be made. There are even more customers to engage with.
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Big Sale Events: The Importance of Post-Christmas Sales

December 6, 2018
Christmas is here; there’s no getting away from it. The Coca Cola truck has graced our TV screens, Greggs have released their festive bake, Mariah Carey will be bellowing out those well-known lyrics and Michael Bublé will be lining up his re-appearance.
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Blue Monday: PR Gimmick or Important Health Event?

January 15, 2018
Monday 15th January has the unfortunate dishonour of being Blue Monday 2018, often also considered the most depressing day of the year. However, despite this day being a prime tool for marketing and sales, Hitesh Dodhia, Superintendent Pharmacist at, here provides CEO Today with some insightful advice on how to confront the very real […]
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6 Easy Ways to Motivate Employees After Christmas

January 4, 2018
With Christmas and the New Year behind us, coming back to work can often be a little chaotic. Below Jason Downes, MD of, brings CEO Today his top tips on motivating employees back into a success driven routine. The run-up to Christmas might feel hectic, but morale is generally high as employees look forward […]
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Here's 10 Robots That Will Make Life in 2018 Much Easier

January 2, 2018
These 10 robots make life a lot easier 1. This suitcase follows you around. Travelmate uses GPS to stay close to your connected smartphone. 2. Grillbot is like a Roomba for your grill. Just set the timer and let Grillbot go to work. 3. This machine fixes the worst part about doing laundry. FoliMate will […]
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