Steven McMeechan is a strategic marketing and communications specialist at Capstone Financial Planning and he has over twenty years’ experience in senior marketing management roles across a range of industries including Information Technology and Financial Services. Below he delves into his top key power tips to knowing you’re investing right. Investing in a business takes […]
Baybars Altuntas, the Chairman of the World Business Angel Investors Forum, explains to CEO Today why the angel investment community may have a particularly prolific year ahead. Angel investment is far from a new concept, but in recent years, the number of angel investments taking place has grown exponentially, having now reached the point at […]
With Brexit around the corner, below, Kris Macauley, Risk Director at Euler Hermes UK & Ireland, helps exporters move in the right direction. The UK’s vote to leave the European Union last June provided British businesses with a significant incentive to open trade with new markets and customers overseas. Across the manufacturing sector, more than […]
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