Carbon Footprint

3 Ways Being A Net Zero SME Attracts Customers And Partners

June 20, 2022
You’ve probably noticed an increasing number of businesses pledging to go “net zero” in recent years. According to research, at least one-fifth of the largest public companies in the world have promised to meet net zero targets soon, with a view to mitigating their impact on the planet.  So, what can small-to-medium-sized companies learn from this […]
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Green Business Startups: How To Get The Ball Rolling

February 17, 2022
Annie Button, professional content writer and branding aficionado, explains how green business startups can get the ball rolling.  The world is trying to be a greener place, with businesses and consumers making decisions based on their environmental impact. Many people have turned to veganism, others look to alternative fuels for their homes and cars while […]
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What Existing Taxes And Incentives Could You Use Right Now To Reduce The Carbon Footprint Of Your Business?

December 17, 2021
At the recent Cop26 meeting in Glasgow the words ‘net zero’ got bounced around a fair whack. Indeed, everywhere it seems people and businesses alike are talking about their plans for greater sustainability, and politicians are promising we’ll be net zero by the time I’ve finally worked out what TikTok is and why I don’t […]
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Microsoft’s Carbon Negative Pledge: Is CSR Far More Complex Than We Think?

February 12, 2020
Microsoft recently pledged to remove "all of the carbon" from the environment that it alone has emitted since the firm began operating in 1975.
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5 Simple Ways Your Business Can Become More Sustainable

November 27, 2019
Over the past few years we’ve seen a profound shift in the public consciousness towards sustainability and the importance of practising sustainable behaviour in our day-to-day lives.
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