Back To The Office? 10 Books To Help CEOs Thrive In The New World Of Work

Reading Time: 7 minutes

3. The Hidden Edge by Jodie Rogers (Wiley)

In recent years we have seen many organisations becoming more conscious of their employees’ mental health, but this insightful new book argues that as the ‘return to normal’ gets underway, businesses have an opportunity to proactively focus on the mental fitness of teams to create a significant competitive advantage.

The Hidden Edge applies key psychological concepts to the modern business world, makes a compelling business case for how enhanced mental fitness can positively impact the bottom line, and includes some interesting real-life case studies.

The author, Jodie Rogers, shares some simple yet powerful tools and techniques to help regulate emotions, understand values, cultivate resilience and develop the mental agility required for the ever-changing business world. It is a book that CEOs will get a lot from, but will also want to share with their teams.

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