Jason Roos Interview – The Future of Business in an AI-Driven World

In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a buzzword but a pivotal driver of business transformation, understanding its impact is critical.

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We had the privilege of sitting down with Jason Roos, the CEO of Cirrus, a company at the forefront of integrating AI in innovative ways. Roos, known for his deep insights and strategic foresight, shares his perspectives on AI’s role in shaping the future of business.

CEO Today: Thank you for joining us, Jason. With AI continually evolving, how do you see its role in the future of business?

Jason Roos: Thank you for having me. AI is more than just a technological tool; it’s a seismic shift in how we conduct business. It’s about augmenting human intelligence, automating tedious tasks, and enabling more informed decision-making. In the future, AI will be integral in driving efficiency, innovation, and personalised customer experiences. It’s not just about technology; it’s about how it intertwines with human creativity and strategy.

From an entrepreneurial perspective, it’s a really exciting time, and I predict we will see a dramatic increase in the number of businesses being launched. The cost of developing ideas has decreased; therefore, launching businesses has and will become less expensive. The ability for businesses to test and learn more quickly is also vital, as is the ability for companies to scale their operations. While the world is facing many challenges right now, as an optimist, I see significant growth coming. History dictates this will happen if you look at the Industrial Revolution and when the service industry blew up. AI is a more critical moment in the history of evolution.

CEO Today: Cirrus has been a leader in adopting AI. Can you tell us about a project that exemplifies your use of AI?

Jason Roos: We have been thinking very hard about where generative AI would have the most profound impact on contact centre operations. So, in addition to our recent platform upgrade, we have developed Cirrus Copilot, our ChatGPT AI assistant. Cirrus Copilot lends its support to human agents, automating tasks, offering guidance, and delivering insights that lead to stellar customer interactions. Cirrus Copilot optimisation frees agents to focus on more rewarding engagements.

Let’s take personal banking and a customer speaking with an agent about their finances. The transcription will have the ability to pass that over to AI, and for AI to say, well, the customer said: “I’m interested in the credit card.” AI will come back to you suggesting the next best thing, including here’s what you need to say, and here’s all the information you need to answer the customer’s query. So, looking at the transcript, the AI is then, in real-time, saying, here’s what you need now, or changing the screen for the agent and saying, here’s where you need to go next. Click here to go to the right resource. So, what does that do in the contact centre? It shortens the time agents spend with customers while massively improving customer experience.

CEO Today: That’s quite innovative. How do you ensure that your AI implementations are ethical and transparent?

Jason Roos: That’s a crucial aspect. At Cirrus, we’ve established a robust framework for ethical AI use, which includes transparency, accountability, and fairness. We’re committed to explainable AI, ensuring our stakeholders understand how and why decisions are made. Our solutions team regularly reviews our practices, and we engage with external experts to audit our systems. Trust in AI comes from knowing it’s used responsibly.


CEO Today: Cirrus has been a leader in adopting AI. With the recent advancements in AI models like GPT-4 Turbo and updated GPT-3.5 Turbo, how do you see these impacting your operations?

Jason Roos: The advancements in AI, particularly with OpenAI’s GPT-4 Turbo and the updated GPT-3.5 Turbo, are game-changers. The increased context window in GPT-4 Turbo, along with its ability to stay current with events up to April 2023, allows for more nuanced and informed AI interactions. The reduction in pricing makes these powerful tools more accessible, aligning with our goal to democratise AI in business operations. Additionally, the improvements in function calling and the introduction of reproducible outputs make these models more reliable and user-friendly.

CEO Today: What about the Assistant’s API and multimodal capabilities? How do these fit into Cirrus’s vision?

Jason Roos: The Assistants API is particularly exciting for us. It enables the creation of more sophisticated AI assistants that can understand and execute complex tasks, aligning with our commitment to augment human agents in contact centres. The multimodal capabilities, like visual inputs and text-to-speech, expand the horizons for customer engagement, allowing for a more interactive and inclusive experience. These advancements not only enhance efficiency but also allow for more creative and engaging customer interactions.

CEO Today: With these advancements, particularly the customisable GPTs in ChatGPT, how do you see AI shaping the future of business strategy and customer interaction?

Jason Roos: Customisable GPTs represent a significant leap in how businesses can leverage AI. They allow companies like Cirrus to tailor AI experiences to specific needs, integrating our data and insights. This customisation will revolutionise customer interaction by providing more relevant and personalised responses. As we move forward, AI will not just be a tool but a strategic partner, integral in shaping business strategies and enhancing customer experiences in ways we’re only beginning to understand.

CEO Today: With AI changing skill demands, how is Cirrus preparing its workforce for this shift?

Jason Roos: We invest heavily in continuous learning and development. Our goal is to create a culture where embracing change is the norm. This includes reskilling initiatives, workshops on AI and its business applications, and fostering a mindset of innovation and adaptability. We believe in empowering our employees to work alongside AI, not just using it, making them integral to our innovation process.

CEO Today: What advice would you give to other businesses looking to integrate AI?

Jason Roos: Start with clear objectives. What do you want AI to achieve for your business? Is it enhancing customer experience, improving operational efficiency, or driving innovation? Once you have this, focus on building or acquiring the right talent. AI is only as good as the people who train and manage it. And finally, ensure that your AI strategy aligns with your overall business values and goals.

CEO Today: Looking towards the future, how do you predict AI will evolve in the next decade?

Jason Roos: AI is likely to become more autonomous and intuitive, making decisions and learning in ways that are closer to human cognitive processes. I also foresee AI playing a significant role in addressing major global challenges, from climate change to healthcare. Businesses must adapt to an AI-first world, where AI is a partner in every aspect of the company. Moving forward at Cirrus, we’ll closely listen to our customers’ feedback and industry trends to continuously improve our platform. We’ll keep expanding the AI capabilities, adding more integrations, and enhancing the overall user experience. We aim to stay at the forefront of technology and ensure our customers always have access to the best tools to excel in their contact centre operations.

CEO Today: Any final thoughts on AI’s role in shaping the future of business?

Jason Roos: AI is not just a technological trend; it’s a fundamental shift in how we will experience and conduct business. It challenges us to rethink strategy, leadership, and, most importantly, our relationship with technology. Embracing AI is about harnessing the potential of this shift to create a more efficient, innovative, and humane business world.

Jason Roos’s insights paint a picture of a future where AI is seamlessly integrated into the fabric of business, driving innovation, ethical considerations, and skill development. His vision for Cirrus and the broader business community sets a benchmark for companies’ success in an AI-driven world.

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