The end of the year provides the perfect time for reflection and planning. For many busy CEOs, it is also an opportunity to spend some invaluable downtime with loved ones, enjoy hobbies or just indulge in some rest and relaxation with a good book. Here we have put together our recommended list of excellent new books to read that will prepare you for both professional and personal success in 2022.
Do One Thing by Dr Geraint Evans
Many CEOs will be looking forward to the holiday period as an opportunity to recharge their batteries, spend time with loved ones, and perhaps even reflect on their own work-life balance. This new book by Dr Geraint Evans is the perfect guide for anyone who is looking to start making the changes to their lifestyle – especially if you feel like “self-help” is not really a genre for you.
As an award-winning marketing expert, the author draws upon his own personal experience of burnout in the boardroom to provide some simple, practical steps that helped him to make positive changes to his lifestyle. The book contains 60 exercises and ideas that will help readers start making their own changes.
The professional pressures of leading businesses can often create a block when it comes to making personal changes, but Do One Thing will help you to stop putting off the small, positive steps you could take that will make 2022 a happier, healthier year.
Click on the next page to see more holiday reading recommendations.