UK Business Leaders Call For Relaxation Of Post-Brexit Visa Rules

Business leaders in the UK are putting pressure on the government to relax post-Brexit migration rules to unblock Britain’s supply chain crisis. Industry bosses are warning that continued disruption could see retailers struggling to keep shelves stocked at Christmas.

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Business leaders have said that urgent changes to the visa system are needed as retailers struggle to keep shop shelves stocked, and restaurants run out of food and drink amid the supply chain chaos caused by Brexit and the pandemic. Earlier this week, it was reported that fast-food giant McDonald’s had run out of milkshakes and some bottled drinks across all of its restaurants in England, Scotland, and Wales. 

It is estimated that hundreds of thousands more workers are needed to drive lorries, handle goods in warehouses, and pick fruit and vegetables. Business leaders and trade groups are warning that if ministers refuse to allow more EU workers into the UK, then they risk a deeper supply chain crisis in the winter months. 

John Allan, the chairman of supermarket chain Tesco, said:I think there may be some shortages at Christmas. At the moment we’re running very hard just to keep on top of the existing demand and there isn’t the capacity to build stocks that we’d like to see.”

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