Back To The Office? 10 Books To Help CEOs Thrive In The New World Of Work

Reading Time: 7 minutes

5. The Fourth Bottom Line by Paul Hargreaves (SRA Books)

The last couple of years have provided an opportunity for many CEOs to reflect on their values and leadership style, and this new book is perfect for anyone looking to become a more caring and compassionate leader and build a leadership legacy to feel more proud of. The author, Paul Hargreaves, argues that the idea of a distant and commanding leader is now outdated, and today, putting empathy and kindness at the very core of leadership is essential for success in business.

Paul Hargreaves is a B-Corp ambassador, and in his new book, he outlines fifty essential qualities that every leader needs in order to drive positive change. Each topic is packed with useful tips and daily exercises to build healthy habits and become the leader you have always wanted to be –  including traits like self-discipline, honesty, authenticity and vulnerability – invaluable skills in the new world of work.

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