5 Business Books You Should Read on World Creativity & Innovation Day

21 April 2020 is the UN’s World Creativity & Innovation Day, a time to raise the awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in economic, social and sustainable development.  

Reading Time: 4 minutes

4. Dare! Behind the Scenes of the Best Business Transformation Project in the World, by Philippe Roger Louis Guitard and others

When you think about industries that lead the way in creativity and innovation, the field of water, waste and energy management might not be the most obvious choice. However, in this new book, DARE!, a team of leading experts reveal the inside story of Veolia and the remarkable transformation that won them the prestigious 2019 PEX Best Business Transformation Project award.

The book reveals how the project not only kept a traditional business alive, but reinvented a business model to embed innovation, creativity and agility into the company DNA. It explains how to get everyone on side with a new innovative culture, from leaders to cleaners, following the ups and downs that come with trying to lead more than 2000 people to transform a single organisation. With practical takeaways from their experiences, the book is a chance for the team to pass the baton on and provide a practical template for others around the world to follow through their own innovation and transformation challenges.

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