The 10 Most Inspirational Business Books for 2020

The shortlist for the Business Book Awards 2020 has just been announced and we’ve cherry picked the titles that should be on every CEO’s bookshelf.

Reading Time: 6 minutes
  1. Building an inclusive organisation by Stephen Frost & Raafi Karim-Alidina

Diversity and inclusion was once merely seen as a subset of HR. Today it has acquired front-page status on newspapers, it is a standing item in boardrooms around the world and it is driving public pressure for change. But while many organisations still treat inclusion as a compliance issue, others are embracing it to make diversity a real driving force for their success.

Authors Frost and Alidina are world-leading diversity and inclusion experts who have worked with the BBC, the Olympic Games, Microsoft, the UK Armed Forces, KPMG and Harvard University to help embed inclusion in their decision-making. They outline the practical steps business leaders should take to ensure all employees are supported, happy, engaged and productive.

Read this book if you’re: looking for a roadmap to build a culture of diversity and inclusion within your organisation.

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