The 10 Most Inspirational Business Books for 2019

As the new year is upon us, so are New Year resolutions, the lists of goals we want to achieve, and a clear outline of what we want to do next.

Reading Time: 8 minutes
  1. The Fixer: My Adventures Saving Startups from Death by Politics by Bradley Tusk

The most prosperous businesses are functioning within tightly regulated markets. Bradley Tusk’s book discusses how they can continue to thrive in this political environment, breaking down the idea of disruption and innovation. The Fixer: My Adventures Saving Startups from Death by Politics offers strategies for startups in industries with long-standing traditions to overpower, using Uber’s growth in the established taxi industry as an example.

Read this book if: You’re after some fresh takes on innovation and technology and how a knowledge of the politics behind them can empower your startup.

“Every new company is essentially a tech startup. And when you disrupt someone in any industry, they don’t say thank you. They punch you in the nose. These are the lessons startups need to learn to punch back and survive the clutches of politics.”Bradley Tusk

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