CEO Today - August 2023

Copyright 2023 The views expressed in the articles within CEO Today are the contributors’ own. Images used in this edition have been done so under the creative commons licenses. EDITORS NOTE Welcome to the August edition of CEO Today, a magazine dedicated to providing CEOs with insights and strategies from across the business world. Our feature story this month is about Team Coaching, exploring its innovative approach to enhancing collective potential. Delve into our exclusive interview with Jacqui Ferris of PerformanceHQ to understand how this paradigm shift could transform your leadership and team dynamics. You also won’t want to miss our profiles on two CEOs who are making waves - John Keen of Nowmedical, and the ‘Jedi Master’ pivotal to Disney’s success. Their stories will inspire and enlighten. We’re thrilled to present an insight into the man of the moment Sam Altman of ChatGPT, and the potential AI has to reshape our daily work. Finally, let our list of the top 10 CEO podcasts serve as your roadmap to enlightening discussions and valuable advice. As always, CEO Today is here to empower you with information to navigate the dynamic world of business leadership. Enjoy the read! Mark Palmer Editor Best wishes,

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