The ways leaders operate in teams to survive are many and varied, as well as very subtle – it’s part of being human. People are rarely conscious of it. It’s not easy leading teams in the 2020’s nor is it easy being a team member. The team coach’s role is not to judge, be directive, set the agenda or lead. Our role is to invite the team to examine it’s subtle and more obvious traits, in a non-judgemental way, offering up an opportunity for the team to examine these and work out how well it’s working for them and their stakeholders - or not. What’s happening right now with Team Coaching? At the time of writing, Team Coaching is still a relatively new form of development for teams. It builds on the traditional team development modalities that people would be familiar with, but is still being defined by the training and credentialing houses and indeed, the practitioners that offer it. If you think about where the coaching sector was 20 years ago - when it first arrived as an offering for leaders - compared to where it is now, it has evolved and ‘professionalised’ itself greatly. This is due to a greater understanding and more discerned purchasing from the procurers of coaching, increased maturity in the sector and expectations being placed on credentials and training for coaches etc. All this means that Team Coaching is where Individual Executive Coaching was 20 years ago. It is predicted to evolve and grow in the coming decades, but much faster than individual coaching did. Organisations are much more informed and sophisticated about what they want/need for their leaders. Photograph: Lucas Martin – Little Image Co
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