CEO Today - October 2023

Why might you work with a coach? 1. To create time and space to think through your chosen focus areas with a confidential thinking partner. 2. To uncover new perspectives, to learn, to discover and explore new possibilities. 3. To review how you are operating as a CEO/leader and consider your own impact. 4. To achieve your own clarity and focus to decide your next steps. 5. To hear an objective viewpoint if your coach is external to your organisation. An external coach typically works in a number of organisations and is exposed to multiple leadership styles focus and action? How did you learn what you know today? What did you do when clouds drifted in and your view and focus disappeared? How did you establish sufficient clarity to act and deliver results? Your answer probably includes considering the situation, receiving communication and information, talking to others, learning new approaches, applying your knowledge and skill and, drawing on your previous experience. What’s happening on your mountain today? Time is precious. Perhaps you rely on the reports, data available and on your previous experience. How often do you inadvertently revert back to what’s worked for you in the past without giving it a second thought? When did you last take a long walk around on the lower slopes? How often do you spend time looking around inside your organisation? I don’t mean ‘going back to the floor’ or being ‘customer facing’. I mean getting across the breadth and depth of your business - talking with and understanding a whole range of perspectives. What you see and hear with your own eyes and ears is unique because of your view of your organisation is unique. You could be missing something fundamental or something very simple. Without doing so, are you in danger of assuming what is actually happening? Are you in danger of assuming what others think, feel and need? People make their own sense of a situation by watching, listening, asking, talking and thinking. This process helps us to find our own clarity. However, this isn’t usually what business meetings are for. How does sense-making happen in your organisation? When are there informal opportunities for people to hear what leaders are thinking, to ask questions, to enter into a conversation? I notice that leaders can underestimate how important it is for them to share what they can see and what they know. When do you share your experienced view and perspective? How are you letting others learn from you? These experiences can help and enable others to find their own clarity. Experience provides many benefits, but could it also be a blocker? Perhaps you no longer take the opportunity to stop, to review and to reflect on what you know, what you’re doing well and what you might do differently. When did you last receive meaningful feedback? Where is your learning, growth and new insight coming from? How could Executive/Leadership coaching help? Coaching creates time and space for review and reflection and allows you to consider what’s going on for you. Your coach is a confidential thinking partner. They support you in finding clarity for yourself. The coaching process has a forward focus, which enables you to explore possibilities, develop new approaches and next steps. Leaders, and perhaps people generally, are searching for clarity. What can you and your leaders do to enable this in your organisation?

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