CEO Today - April 2023

LESSONS IN LEADERSHIP 64 in Ukraine and the consequent energy price rise show. Dealing with this kind of complexity is another reason to get more serious about creativity; to accept that you don’t have all the answers, to try out different solutions and adapt when necessary. Many leaders think that creativity is an innate talent, but the truth is: creativity can be learned. How can the key lessons from the way designers think and act apply to business? Start from the future A design approach differs from a traditional management approach because it starts from the desired end goal instead of first analysing (and potentially getting stuck) in the present. Think of innovation as a design challenge: What would you like the future of your business to look like? Could you create new sources of income, build a more motivating place to work for your people, or redesign your business to be kinder to the planet? Use your imagination to take your business to the next level. Once you have created a shared vision of your desired destination you can then design the road to get there. Learn by doing Why business needs to get more serious about creativity Creativity is crucial for businesses to thrive, which is why ‘innovate or die’ became a business mantra. For companies to be successful in the long run, CEOs need to be able to both exploit what is and explore what is not yet. One of the main reasons to get more serious about creativity is because the ideal balance between exploit and explore is shifting. Accelerated technological change means shorter business cycles and a higher risk of being disrupted by competitors with new innovations based on new technologies, new offers and new business models. CEOs are challenged tomake more time to explore and design the future of their business, while at the same time having to deal with increasing levels of complexity in their day-to-day business. Wicked problems related to topics such as geopolitics, climate change and escalating regulatory requirements are a business reality, as recent examples like COVID-19 the war

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