CEO Today - February 2023

34. 24. 38. 66. Katina Male Editor Hello and welcome to CEO Today’s second edition for 2023! After a month of sticking to our New Year’s resolutions and planning the next 12 months, I’m excited to present CEO Today’s February dose of inspiration for 2023! 7 Our Favourite Stories from this month: All of this and so much more - I hope you enjoy the content in CEO Today’s second issue for 2023! Make sure you check out the full list of features and exclusive interviews over the next pages. If youwant to stay connectedwith us until our next edition, visit our website for more, join the conversation on our Twitter (@CEOTodayMag) and follow our LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram pages. Best wishes, The CULT of the CEO What Can Leaders Learn from the Challenges of 2022? 5 Things Leaders Can’t Ignore in 2023 Top Luxury Hotel Openings for 2023

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