CEO Today - March 2022

71 EXECUTIVE COACHING has a deep understanding of leadership. A coach can help them quickly learn to navigate the leadership attributes that are more pronounced at the Senior Leader level. These critical Senior Leadership attributes include: • The executive presence they need to quickly learn and maintain as Senior Leaders • Their ability to influence at all levels • The executive communication skills they need • The broader knowledge of the business & the organisation • And the understanding of how to navigate their organisation • The followership they need to earn • And the broader scope of talent development they need to focus on New Senior Leadership turnover rates can be staggeringly high and alarmingly expensive. When Senior Leaders are thrown into their new roles with little support, they often struggle or fail at rates that are painful. Recognising this several years ago, I started working with these new Senior Leaders in their 1st 90 days and 1st 6 months to help them understand what they needed to learn. I help them create a plan to be an effective Senior Leader much more quickly than if they were simply swimming upstream by themselves. Leadership Coaching is a Difference Maker. And when it’s paired with focused Leadership Development resources, it can provide the leader with the tools & the confidence they can count on to be wildly successful and make a difference for their organisation. Can you tell us about your upcoming book, The Leader’s Legacy? I look forward to sharing important lessons in leadership in my book The Leader’s Legacy, which I’ll publish later this year. For me, the leadership journey started with lessons I learned from my grandfather. He was our town mayor, our town grocer, and the best leader I’ve ever known. Throughout my career, the leadership attributes my grandfather lived by have been confirmed over and again, as I’ve watched the most successful leaders practice these same leadership traits. It’s amazing It is immensely rewarding to work with strong leaders to help them discover their greatest strengths and passions. And to help them create their own leadership legacy. How do you make an impact with the leaders you work with? Firstly, we ask our clients to challenge themselves about how they see their world. We offer a view of the possibilities they may not yet see for themselves. And empower them to create a path to achieve impactful results. We help create off-thechart leaders. We are constantly looking for the extraordinary that our clients have in themselves - their greatest leadership attributes, their underutilised passions, the unlit fire that has the potential of making an impact so powerfully that it changes the course of their organisations; and sometimes themselves. Our job as a coach is to empower our leaders to discover these extraordinary leadership abilities in themselves. And then leverage the living daylights out of them. When they do, they enhance their leadership brand. And help make their part of the world a little better place for having them lead it. We also challenge our clients to lead powerfully and passionately - to care deeply about the people, the customers and the organisation they lead. And to care enough about their own leadership to invest in becoming the best leader they are fully capable of. Pretty great line of work, right? I’ve also seen the impact that Coaching and Leadership Development have on the companies I work with. For an organisation, Coaching and Leadership Development is an investment in their strongest leaders. As a coach, I work with leaders who are challenged with various opportunities. Leaders who’ve been identified as a high potential. Leaders who have been asked to take the lead on a critical strategic initiative; and leaders who have recently moved into a new leadership role. I work a great deal with leaders who are new to a Senior Leadership role. New Senior Leaders are especially prime to benefit from working with a coach who to see the common and not-so-common leadership attributes that run through the most successful leaders. The best leaders are certainly the smartest and hardest working leaders around. They also care deeply about their people, their customers, and their business. The very best leaders make every person and every organisation better for having had the chance to work with them. And they care about becoming the best leaders they can be and remaining a great leader for as long as it takes to make their own part of the world a better place. Not a bad leadership goal. And pretty good leadership legacy to leave. The Leader’s Legacy captures much of what I’ve learned from my grandfather and in the 30 years I’ve spent working with and coaching some of the world’s most influential leaders. I’ve captured stories about leaders who create their own legacy as they search for meaningful leadership opportunities. And when they find them, they lead in extraordinary ways. • The most impactful leaders act with integrity • They lead with loyalty and inspire a followership • They claim their leadership brand to leave their distinct impression • They cultivate a distinct leadership intelligence • They make a difference every day And extraordinary leaders do a whole lot more. Read my book to learn about leadership done right. The kind that would make my grandfather proud. And enjoy a story or two along the way. If you’re interested in learning more about Coaching and Leadership Development, reach out to Scott at The Leader’s Legacy LLC. You can find him here: Scott Burns W: LinkedIn E:

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